

Per year

 2019 - 20182017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010

Publications 2020 (au 01/05/2020)

Millet, M., P. Poupard, S. Guilois-Dubois, A. Poiraud, M. Fanuel, H. Rogniaux, and S. Guyot, Heat-unstable apple pathogenesis-related proteins alone or interacting with polyphenols contribute to haze formation in clear apple juice. Food Chemistry, 2020. 309

Publications 2019

  • Wagner, G.; Laperche, A.; Lariagon, C.;  Marnet, N.;  Renault, D.; Guitton, Y.; Bouchereau, A.; Delourme, R.;  Manzanares-Dauleux, M. J.; Gravot, A., Resolution of quantitative resistance to clubroot into QTL-specific metabolic modules. Journal of Experimental Botany 2019, 70 (19), 5375-5390.
  • Ma, W., C. Tribet, S. Guyot, and D. Zanchi, Tannin-controlled micelles and fibrils of κ-casein. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2019. 151.
  • Castillo-Fraire, C. M.; Poupard, P.; Guilois-Dubois, S.; Salas, E.; Guyot, S., Preparative fractionation of 5 '-O-caffeoylquinic acid oxidation products using centrifugal partition chromatography and their investigation by mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2019, 1592, 19-30.
  • Vidot, K.;  Devaux, M. F.; Alvarado, C.; Guyot, S.; Jamme, F.; Gaillard, C.; Siret, R.; Lahaye, M., Phenolic distribution in apple epidermal and outer cortex tissue by multispectral deep-UV autofluorescence cryo-imaging. Plant Science 2019, 283, 51-59.
  • Guichard, H.; Poupard, P.;  Legoahec, L.; Millet, M.; Bauduin, R.; Le Quere, J. M., Brettanomyces anomalus, a double drawback for cider aroma. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 2019, 102, 214-222.
  • Millet, M.; Poupard, P.; Guilois-Dubois, S.; Zanchi, D.; Guyot, S., Self-aggregation of oxidized procyanidins contributes to the formation of heat-reversible haze in apple-based liqueur wine.Food Chemistry 2019, 276, 797-805.

Publications 2018

  • Chavez-Gonzalez, M., Guyot, S., Rodriguez-Herrera, R., Prado-Barragan, A., & Aguilar, C. N. (2018). Exploring the Degradation of Gallotannins Catalyzed by Tannase Produced by Aspergillus niger GH1 for Ellagic Acid Production in Submerged and Solid-State Fermentation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 185(2), 476-483. 
  • Soleti, R., Hilairet, G., Mallegol, P., Dourguia, C., Frifra, M., Guillou, M. C., Gacel, A., Guyot, S., Pignon, P., Basset, L., Cadot, Y., Renou, J. P., Orsel, M., & Andriantsitohaina, R. (2018). Screening of ordinary commercial varieties of apple fruits under different storage conditions for their potential vascular and metabolic protective properties. Food & Function, 9(11), 5855-5867.

Publications 2017

  • Fevrier, H.;  Le Quere, J. M.;  Le Bail, G.; Guyot, S., Polyphenol profile, PPO activity and pH variation in relation to colour changes in a series of red-fleshed apple juices. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 2017, 85, 353-362. 
  • Millet, M., Poupard, P., Le Quere, J. M., Bauduin, R., & Guyot, S. (2017). Haze in Apple-Based Beverages: Detailed Polyphenol, Polysaccharide, Protein, and Mineral Compositions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(31), 6404-6414.
  •  Perot, M., Lupi, R., Guyot, S., Delayre-Orthez, C., Gadonna-Widehem, P., Thebaudin, J. Y., Bodinier, M., & Larre, C. (2016). Polyphenols interactions with major wheat allergens reduce their capacity to induce allergic response. Allergy, 71, 627-628.
  • Perot, M., Lupi, R., Guyot, S., Delayre-Orthez, C., Gadonna-Widehem, P., Thebaudin, J. Y., Bodinier, M., & Larre, C. (2017). Polyphenol Interactions Mitigate the Immunogenicity and Allergenicity of Gliadins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(31), 6442-6451.
  •  Rousseau, H., Rousseau-Gueutin, M., Dauvergne, X., Boutte, J., Simon, G., Marnet, N., Bouchereau, A., Guiheneuf, S., Bazureau, J.-P., Morice, J., Ravanel, S., Cabello-Hurtado, F., Ainouche, A., Salmon, A., Wendel, J. F., & Ainouche, M. L. (2017). Evolution of DMSP (dimethylsulfoniopropionate) biosynthesis pathway: Origin and phylogenetic distribution in polyploid Spartina (Poaceae, Chloridoideae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 114, 401-414.

Publications 2016

  • Saubeau, G., Perrin, F., Marnet, N., Andrivon, D., & Val, F. (2016). Hormone signalling pathways are differentially involved in quantitative resistance of potato to Phytophthora infestans. Plant Pathology, 65(2), 342-352.

Publications 2015

  • Le Deun E., Van der Werf R., Le Bail G., Le Quéré J.M., Guyot S. (2015) HPLC-DAD-MS Profiling of Polyphenols Responsible for the Yellow-2 Orange Color in Apple Juices of Different French Cider Apple Varieties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
  • Lemarie, S.;  Robert-Seilaniantz, A.;  Lariagon, C.;  Lemoine, J.;  Marnet, N.;  Levrel, A.;  Jubault, M.;  Manzanares-Dauleux, M. J.; Gravot, A., Camalexin contributes to the partial resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to the biotrophic soilborne protist Plasmodiophora brassicae. Frontiers in Plant Science 2015, 6.
  • Lemarie, S.; Robert-Seilaniantz, A.; Lariagon, C.; Lemoine, J.; Marnet, N.; Jubault, M.; Manzanares-Dauleux, M. J.; Gravot, A., Both the Jasmonic Acid and the Salicylic Acid Pathways Contribute to Resistance to the Biotrophic Clubroot Agent Plasmodiophora brassicae in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 2015, 56 (11), 2158-2168.
  • Markowski J, Baron A, Le Quere JM, Plocharski W (2015) Composition of clear and cloudy juices from French and Polish apples in relation to processing technology. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 61: 813-820.
  • Sojka M, Kolodziejczyk K, Milala J, Abadias M, Vinas I, Guyot, S., Baron, A. (2015) Composition and properties of the polyphenolic extracts obtained from industrial plum pomaces. Journal of Functional Foods 12: 168-178.
  • Symoneaux R, Chollet S, Patron C, Bauduin R, Le Quere J.M., Baron, A. (2015) Prediction of sensory characteristics of cider according to their biochemical composition: Use of a central composite design and external validation by cider professionals. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 61: 63-69.
  • Symoneaux, R.;  Le Quere, J. M.;  Baron, A.;  Bauduin, R.; Chollet, S., Impact of CO2 and its interaction with the matrix components on sensory perception in model cider. Lwt-Food Science and Technology 2015, 63 (2), 886-891.
  • Symoneaux, R.; Guichard, H.; Le Quere, J. M.; Baron, A.; Chollet, S., Could cider aroma modify cider mouthfeel properties? Food Quality and Preference 2015, 45, 11-17.
  • Villiere A, Arvisenet G, Bauduin R, Le Quere J.M., Serot T (2015) Influence of cider-making process parameters on the odourant volatile composition of hard ciders. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 121: 95-105.
  • Wong-Paz J.E., Muniz-Marquez D.B.; Noe Aguilar C, Soton E., Guyot S.(2015) Enzymatic synthesis, purification and in vitro antioxidant capacity of polyphenolic oxidation products from apple juice. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 64: 1091-1098.

Publications 2014

  • Chavez-Gonzalez M.L., Guyot S., Rodriguez-Herrera R., Prado-Barragan A., Aguilar C.N. (2014). Production profiles of phenolics from fungal tannic acid biodegradation in submerged and solid-state fermentation. Process Biochemistry, 49(4), 541-546.
  • Franquin-Trinquier S., Maury C., Baron A., Le Meurlay D., Mehinagic E. (2014). Optimization of the extraction of apple monomeric phenolics based on response surface methodology: Comparison of pressurized liquid-solid extraction and manual-liquid extraction. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 34(1), 56-67.
  • Gaudin Z., Cerveau D., Marnet N., Bouchereau A., Delavault P., Simier P., Pouyreau J.B. (2014). Robust Method for Investigating Nitrogen Metabolism of N-15 Labeled Amino Acids Using AccQ center dot Tag Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Photodiode Array-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry: Application to a Parasitic Plant-Plant Interaction. Analytical Chemistry, 86(2), 1138-1145.
  • Hammouda H., Alvarado C., Bouchet B., Kalthoum-Cherif J., Trabelsi-Ayadi M., Guyot S. (2014). Tissue and Cellular Localization of Tannins in Tunisian Dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by Light and Transmission Electron Microscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(28), 6650-6654.
  • Herve M.R., Delourme R., Gravot A., Marnet N., Berardocco S., Cortesero A.M. (2014). Manipulating Feeding Stimulation to Protect Crops Against Insect Pests? Journal of Chemical Ecology, 40(11-12), 1220-1231.
  • Herve M.R., Delourme R., Leclair M., Marnet N., Cortesero A.M. (2014). How oilseed rape (Brassica napus) genotype influences pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus) oviposition. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 8(5), 383-392.
  • Maingonnat J.F., Missang C.E., Baron A., Renard C. (2014). Two micro-mechanical techniques for studying the enzymatic maceration kinetics of apple parenchyma. Journal of Food Engineering, 122, 1-7.
  • Malec M., Le Quéré J.M., Sotin H., Kolodziejczyk K., Bauduin R., Guyot S. (2014). Polyphenol Profiling of a Red-Fleshed Apple Cultivar and Evaluation of the Color Extractability and Stability in the Juice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(29), 6944-6954.
  • Symoneaux R., Baron A., Marnet N., Bauduin R., Chollet S. (2014). Impact of apple procyanidins on sensory perception in model cider (part 1): Polymerisation degree and concentration. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 57(1), 22-27.
  • Symoneaux R., Chollet S., Bauduin R., Le Quéré J.M., Baron A. (2014). Impact of apple procyanidins on sensory perception in model cider (part 2): Degree of polymerization and interactions with the matrix components. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 57(1), 28-34.
  • Verdu C.F., Childebrand N., Marnet N., Lebail G., Dupuis F., Laurens F., Guilet D., Guyot S. (2014). Polyphenol variability in the fruits and juices of a cider apple progeny. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(7), 1305-1314.
  • Verdu C.F., Guyot S., Childebrand N., Bahut M., Celton J. M., Gaillard S., Lasserre-Zuber P., Troggio M., Guilet,D., Laurens F. (2014). QTL Analysis and Candidate Gene Mapping for the Polyphenol Content in Cider Apple. Plos One, 9(10), 16.
  • Yeddes N., Cherif J.K., Guyot S., Baron A., Trabelsi-Ayadi, M. (2014). Phenolic Profile of Tunisian Opuntia Ficus Indica Thornless form Flowers via Chromatographic and Spectral Analysis by Reversed Phase-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-UV-Photodiode Array and Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometer. International Journal of Food Properties, 17(4), 741-751.

Publications 2013

  • Aura A.M., Mattila I., Hyotylainen T., Gopalacharyulu P., Cheynier V., Souquet J. M., Bes M., Le Bourvellec C., Guyot S., Oresic M. (2013). Characterization of microbial metabolism of Syrah grape products in an in vitro colon model using targeted and non-targeted analytical approaches. European Journal of Nutrition, 52(2), 833-846.
  • Gaucher M., de Bernonville T.D., Guyot S., Dat J.F., Brisset M.N. (2013). Same ammo, different weapons: Enzymatic extracts from two apple genotypes with contrasted susceptibilities to fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) differentially convert phloridzin and phloretin in vitro. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 72, 178-189.
  • Gaucher M., de Bernonville T.D., Lohou D., Guyot S., Guillemette T., Brisset M.N., Dat J.F. (2013). Histolocalization and physico-chemical characterization of dihydrochalcones: Insight into the role of apple major flavonoids. Phytochemistry, 90, 78-89.
  • Hammouda H., Cherif J.K., Trabesi-Ayadi M., Baron A., Guyot S. (2013). Detailed Polyphenol and Tannin Composition and Its Variability in Tunisian Dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) at Different Maturity Stages. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(13), 3252-3263.
  • Kolodziejczyk K., Sojka M., Abadias, M., Vinas I., Guyot S., Baron A. (2013). Polyphenol composition, antioxidant capacity, and antimicrobial activity of the extracts obtained from industrial sour cherry pomace. Industrial Crops and Products, 51, 279-288.
  • Parrot D., Jan S., Baert N., Guyot S., Tomasi S. (2013). Comparative metabolite profiling and chemical study of Ramalina siliquosa complex using LC-ESI-MS/MS approach. Phytochemistry, 89, 114-124.
  • Zardo D.M., Silva K.M., Guyot S., Nogueira A. (2013). Phenolic profile and antioxidant capacity of the principal apples produced in Brazil. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 64(5), 611-620.

Publications 2012

  • Carn F., Guyot S., Baron A., Perez J., Buhler E., Zanchi D. (2012). Structural Properties of Colloidal Complexes between Condensed Tannins and Polysaccharide Hyaluronan. Biomacromolecules, 13(3), 751-759.
  • Falleh H., Jalleli I., Ksouri R., Boulaaba M., Guyot S., Magne C., Abdelly C. (2012). Effect of salt treatment on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of two Mesembryanthemum edule provenances. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 52, 1-8.
  • Falleh H., Ksouri R., Boulaaba M., Guyot S., Abdelly C., Magne C. (2012). Phenolic nature, occurrence and polymerization degree as marker of environmental adaptation in the edible halophyte Mesembryanthemum edule. South African Journal of Botany, 79, 117-124.
  • Kroner A., Marnet N., Andrivon D., Val F. (2012). Nicotiflorin, rutin and chlorogenic acid: phenylpropanoids involved differently in quantitative resistance of potato tubers to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 57, 23-31.
  • Ma W., Baron A., Guyot S., Bouhallab S., Zanchi D. (2012). Kinetics of the formation of beta-casein/tannin mixed micelles. Rsc Advances, 2(9), 3934-3941.
  • Turk M.F., Billaud C., Vorobiev E., Baron A. (2012). Continuous pulsed electric field treatment of French cider apple and juice expression on the pilot scale belt press. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 14, 61-69.
  • Turk M.F., Vorobiev E., Baron A. (2012). Improving apple juice expression and quality by pulsed electric field on an industrial scale. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 49(2), 245-250.

Publications 2011

  • Carn F., Guyot S., Baron A., Perez J., Buhler E., Zanchi D. (2012). Structural Properties of Colloidal Complexes between Condensed Tannins and Polysaccharide Hyaluronan. Biomacromolecules, 13(3), 751-759.
  • Falleh H., Jalleli I., Ksouri R., Boulaaba M., Guyot S., Magne C., Abdelly C. (2012). Effect of salt treatment on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of two Mesembryanthemum edule provenances. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 52, 1-8.
  • Falleh H., Ksouri R., Boulaaba M., Guyot S., Abdelly C., Magne C. (2012). Phenolic nature, occurrence and polymerization degree as marker of environmental adaptation in the edible halophyte Mesembryanthemum edule. South African Journal of Botany, 79, 117-124.
  • Kroner A., Marnet N., Andrivon D., Val F. (2012). Nicotiflorin, rutin and chlorogenic acid: phenylpropanoids involved differently in quantitative resistance of potato tubers to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 57, 23-31.
  • Ma W., Baron A., Guyot S., Bouhallab S., Zanchi D. (2012). Kinetics of the formation of beta-casein/tannin mixed micelles. Rsc Advances, 2(9), 3934-3941.
  • Turk M.F., Billaud C., Vorobiev E., Baron A. (2012). Continuous pulsed electric field treatment of French cider apple and juice expression on the pilot scale belt press. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 14, 61-69.
  • Turk M.F., Vorobiev E., Baron A. (2012). Improving apple juice expression and quality by pulsed electric field on an industrial scale. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 49(2), 245-250.

Publications 2010

  • De Bernonville T.D., Guyot S., Paulin J. P., Gaucher M., Loufrani L., Henrion D., Derbre S., Guilet D., Richomme P., Dat J. F., Brisset M. N. (2010). Dihydrochalcones: Implication in resistance to oxidative stress and bioactivities against advanced glycation end-products and vasoconstriction. Phytochemistry, 71(4), 443-452.
  • Devic E., Guyot S., Daudin J D., Bonazzi C. (2010). Effect of Temperature and Cultivar on Polyphenol Retention and Mass Transfer during Osmotic Dehydration of Apples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(1), 606-614.
  • Devic E., Guyot S., Daudin J. D., Bonazzi C. (2010). Kinetics of Polyphenol Losses During Soaking and Drying of Cider Apples. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 3(6), 867-877.
  • Krishnankutty R., Guyot S., Sabu A., Haridas M., Isabelle P.G., Roussos S., Augur C. (2010). Biotransformation of procyanidins by a purified fungal dioxygenase: Identification and characterization of the products using mass spectrometry. Process Biochemistry, 45(6), 904-913.
  • Lhoste E.F., Bruneau A., Bensaada M., Cherbuy C., Philippe C., Bruel S., Sutren M., Rabot S., Guyot, S., Duee P.H., Latino-Martel P. (2010). Apple Proanthocyanidins Do Not Reduce the Induction of Preneoplastic Lesions in the Colon of Rats Associated with Human Microbiota. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(7), 4120-4125.
  • Turk M. F., Baron A., Vorobiev E. (2010). Effect of Pulsed Electric Fields Treatment and Mash Size on Extraction and Composition of Apple Juices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(17), 9611-9616.

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 09 February 2016 | By: V Rampon