Major projects

Major projects

Major projects in which the unit is engaged

In this folder

11 September 2023


MAGNELIN4D is a collaborative research project (PRCE) financed by the French National Research Agency and accredited by the EMC2 and EuraMaterials competitiveness clusters.
The BIOLOOP project aims to develop new ways of recovering vegetable waste into biosourced materials, taking into account the noblest and most profitable use on the scale of a territory, with the brewing industry as a model.
An ambitious collaborative project supported by the French government as part of France 2030 to develop innovative solutions and products (pea and faba bean varieties, protein ingredients, plant-based alternatives to cheeses and plant-based desserts) and to create a solid and sustainable French industry.
The JACK project is funded under the "Legume Proteins" call for projects and the "Sustainable and Health-Friendly Food" acceleration strategy of the France 2030 plan. JACK will focus on the continuum from field to plate in an original way, analyzing the construction and variability of quality at different stages.
The LETSPROSEED project is financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) within the framework of the 4th Investment Program for the Future (France 2030) and aims at developing legume crops in France. It is coordinated by the UMR Agroecology of Dijon and involves several BIA resarch teams.
The PEPR DIADEM, which is funded under the fourth France's investment programme for the future, aims to accelerate the discovery of new materials, particularly by implementing artificial intelligence strategies. The BIA research unit is participating in this programme through one of the nine demonstration sub-programmes: AMETHIST. This project focuses more specifically on polymeric materials. More specifically, BIA covers the case of materials based on biobased polymers, namely polysaccharides.

23 October 2021


The objective of COPLAnAR is to decipher the macromolecular architecture of the plant cuticle in relation to its mechanical properties. The project is funded by the French National Research Agency for the period 2022-2026.
The DEMETER project is a project funded by the European FACCE-JPI-Surplus program that aims to study new practices to increase resource efficiency in the food value chain via 4 predefined biorefinery pathways for the valorization of plant residues or out-of-spec products.
This collective action aims to develop a methodology and suitable tools to build an ontology specific to the research fields related to agri-food systems (Agriculture, Food and Environment).
Nanocelluloses can stabilize emulsions without surfactants, can they also lead to dry water?
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Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 30 June 2017 | By: V Rampon