TransformON project

TransformON project

This collective action aims to develop a methodology and suitable tools to build an ontology specific to the research fields related to agri-food systems (Agriculture, Food and Environment).

Processes and bioprocesses are at the heart of the research activities of the INRAE's TRANSFORM research Division. These research activities focus on the transformation processes of organic matter into food and bio-sourced products and the valorization of waste of agricultural or food origin. These researches are articulated around two main structuring axes which are the promotion of a healthy and sustainable food and the bioeconomy.
In this project, our objective is to verify that it is possible to build a unique, unified, bilingual (French/English) controlled vocabulary, allowing to cover all the knowledge domains generated by TRANSFORM on the construction/deconstruction routes of food and bioproducts quality, in relation with the benefits/risks for human health and the environment. This terminology repository should allow a better interoperability of the data and tools currently developed to integrate heterogeneous data and improve exchanges between databases with different structures, thus facilitating our ability to mobilize the knowledge acquired on the complexity of bioresources and their transformation processes.
This work will be based on previous developments for the integration of data in two databases developed over the last ten years in the framework of different research projects: the @Web and BaGaTel databases which are based on two different ontology models.
The work consists in harmonizing the existing vocabularies and restructuring the different domain ontologies to produce a unified vocabulary based on the PO² ontology (Process and Observation Ontology) which allow to represent generic processes. This vocabulary will serve as a pivot to i) reference internal data internal and ii) annotate external resources from the literature.
In order to reconcile the different domain vocabularies, a definition of terms will be carried out with experts of each domain. Alignments with existing international semantic resources and repositories will also be sought. This approach is part of the global Open Science/Open Data process, involving the implementation of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles and semantic web technologies.

  • Duration : 2021-2022
  • Funding : Département TRANSFORM (20 k€/ an)
  • Coordination : Magalie Weber,  INRAE-BIA
  • Partners :
    • Département TRANSFORM : UR BIA, UMR CSGA, UMR SayFood,  UMR IATE
    • Département MATHNUM : UMR MIA-Paris
    • Plateforme PLASTIC
    • DipSO : pôle Numérique pour la Science

See also

Related publication : Weber, M., Buche, P., Ibanescu, L. et al. PO2/TransformON, an ontology for data integration on food, feed, bioproducts and biowaste engineering. npj Sci Food 7, 47 (2023).

Modification date: 28 April 2024 | Publication date: 21 March 2021 | By: M Weber