Location and access map

Location and access map

The Unit is located on two sites. The main site is in Nantes (La Géraudière site) and a team is located next to Rennes (Le Rheu site).
The main site of the Unit is located north of Nantes, within the INRA centre of Pays de la Loire (La Géraudière site):
Access to La Géraudière site :
  • GPS coordinates:
    • Latitude: 47.265043
    • Longitude: -1.566496
  • From Nantes-Atlantique Airport:

Take the "Aéroport-Nantes" shuttle bus, stop "Commerce" for the connection with line N° 2 of the tramway, direction Orvault Grand Val.

  • From Nantes SNCF station by tram or bus:

From the SNCF station on the north side, take the tramway line N°1 direction François Mitterrand, get off at the "Commerce" stop, take the tramway line N°2 direction Orvault Grand Val, get off at the "Santos Dumont" or "Chêne des Anglais" stop and join the boulevard Albert Einstein (count about 40 minutes including 10 minutes walk).
From the SNCF station on the south side, take the C5 bus and get off at the "Commerce" stop, then take line N°2 towards Orvault Grand Val, get off at the "Santos Dumont" or "Chêne des Anglais" stop and join boulevard Albert Einstein (it takes about 40 minutes, 10 minutes by foot).

  • From Nantes SNCF station with the tram-train:

If you want to be picked up by car, to avoid traffic problems in the city centre, it may be more convenient to take the tram-train (TER T1) from Nantes station towards Nort-sur-Erdre and get off at the "Babinière" stop (less than 15 minutes). The schedules can be consulted on the website destineo.fr des Pays de la Loire.

  • Access by the outskirts/ A11 motorway from Paris:

Exit on N844 towards Périphérique-Est/Nantes-Nord/Nantes-Centre, then take exit 39 towards Porte de la Chapelle, then at the roundabout take boulevard Albert Einstein.

Access to Le Rheu site:

The PRP team is located in Le Rheu, near Rennes:

Domaine de la Motte
F-35650 Le Rheu

  • GPS coordinates:
    • Latitude: 48.108552
    • Longitude: -1.794240

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Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 03 July 2017 | By: BIA-M Weber