ICP 2023 : XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols

ICP 2023 : XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols

Save the date! The 31st International Conference on Polyphenols ICP 2023 will take place from July 3 to 6, 2023 in Nantes!

On behalf of INRAE Institute, BIA Research Unit and the Groupe Polyphenol, I am very pleased to announce the next XXXI International Conference ICP2023 to be held from July 3rd to 6th 2023 in Nantes, France.
Please, save the date and join us in the lovely city of Nantes for this important event that will allow junior and senior scientist from the polyphenol community to meet again and share cutting-edge research results, exciting discussions and friendly moments.
The main topics expected are:
  • Structure, reactivity & synthesis
  • Bioactivity, bioavailability & microbiota
  • Metabolomics, targeted analysis & big data
  • Processing, sensory properties, safety & regulatory
  • Biogenesis and functions in plants & ecosystems
  • Biomaterials, green chemistry & circular bioeconomy


For more details, please visit the website at https://icp2023.symposium.inrae.fr/

Dr. Sylvain Guyot

Research director at INRAE

Team manager of the PRP group of BIA Research Unit

President of the Local Organising Committee

Modification date: 06 July 2022 | Publication date: 19 October 2021 | By: MW