

Study of biological barriers and their microbiota in the development of chronic diseases, supported by Région Pays de la Loire.

MiBioGate, winner of the call for proposals "scientific dynamics" launched by the Pays de la Loire region, it brings together 11 regional and interregional partners for 5 years.
The purpose of this consortium is to structure a research network specialized in the dysfunction of the biological barriers of different organs in chronic pathologies.

The MiBioGate project aims is to characterize the molecular and phenotypic alterations of epithelial barriers and  cutaneous, intestinal and pulmonary microbiotes during the following pathologies:

  • Allergies / Asthma
  • Liver diseases (Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)
  • Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease and Hemorrhagic Rectocolitis)
  • Diseases of the intestinal-brain axis (neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative and psychiatric)

The objective is to identify potential therapeutic which act on microbiota (prebiotic, probiotic) or barrier mediators (junction proteins, inflammatory mediators, danger receptors).

Schema MiBioGate

The Allergy team is involved in the study of barrier dysfunctions during food and respiratory allergies. Researchers from the team supervise theses in co-supervision with various academic laboratories in the Pays de la Loire region:

Barrier dysfunction in respiratory/asthma allergies
Supervisor: Pr Antoine Magnan (UMR1087 IT) / Dr Grégory Bouchaud (UMR1268 BIA)

Barrier dysfunction in IDB (Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) _ Amelie Le
Supervisor: Dr Malvyne Rolli-Derkinderen (UMR1235 TENS) / Dr Marie Bodinier (UMR1268 BIA)

See also

The next event will take place in Nantes on 20 and 21 November

Journée Santé / Microbiote

There will be presentations on:

  • the impact of the microbiota on neurodevelopment and aging
  • microbiota analysis techniques
  • the integration of microbiota analysis results with genomic, physiological or clinical data via a systems biology approach
  • therapeutic tools for modulating the microbiota
  • the communication vectors of the microbiota and its host: example of extracellular vesicles
  • microbiota and metabolic disorders

> Programme <

Modification date: 21 September 2022 | Publication date: 01 October 2018 | By: L Linxe