FLEXIBI is an ERA-NET project that aims to develop a decision support tool dedicated to the implementation of flexible "small-scale" biorefineries using agricultural and industrial waste from urban and peri-urban areas.

Biorefineries are technologies that convert biomass into compounds that can be used for energy production, chemistry or materials. Small scale biorefineries (low volume of biomass processed) use a local biomass supply to limit logistics problems (transport, storage, etc.) and thus remain competitive with large scale biorefineries. However, the use of biomasses available in a small area raises specific technical questions, particularly related to the biological variability of the biomasses used and their seasonal availability.

The adaptability of technologies and the taking into account of industrial, agricultural or urban contexts within the European area are therefore important stakes for the implementation of small-scale biorefineries, which are promising tools for the development of the bio-economy.


The FLEXIBI project proposes to combine modelling and experimentation approaches to design a decision support tool for the implementation of small-scale biorefineries using undervalued biomass sources from agro-industry and peri-urban waste for all stakeholders in the value chain (agriculturist, waste managers, biorefinery industrialists, local authorities).

The main objective of the project is to determine which processes and processes are best suited to the local availability of variable biomass in composition and quantity. The treatment of underexploited waste at the local level should save natural resources and contribute to reducing the use of fossil fuels, while allowing local economies to benefit from the income derived from optimal use of biomass.

Under the coordination of Bernard Cathala from the BIA unit, six European research teams (University of Hamburg, University of Technology Hamburg, Ecole Supérieure du Bois, University of Helsinki and KU Leuven) will work with the support of an advisory board made up of economic players and public decision-makers. Three pilot regions (Hamburg, Flanders and Nantes) will provide experimental data and biomasses for the project.

This project is funded under the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (JPI FACCE) of the European programme ERA-NET co-fund FACCE SURPLUS (Sustainable and Resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems).

Modification date: 16 May 2018 | Publication date: 02 February 2018 | By: M Weber