Major projects

Major projects

Major projects in which the unit is engaged

In this folder

Connect Talent aims to support the installation and anchoring of internationally renowned scientific leaders in the Pays de la Loire Region. The VESTA project is based on an integrated and multi-scale approach, which will focus on controlling the microstructure of food emulsions in order to improve the functionality of targeted components, of plant origin and little processed, and to guarantee the physicochemical stability of the food thus produced in a more sustainable way.
The MOUSTIC project has been selected as part of the Environment-Health-Work program of the Anses. It aims to determine the nature, quantity, and size distribution of nano and microplastics ingested via the consumption of mussels, using the methodology developed for nanomaterials and simulated human digestion.
The PROVIDE project was selected as part of the joint "Défi Mutations alimentaires" call for projects between INRA and CNRS. Its objective is to study the role of dehydration on the assembly state, solubility and interfacial properties of plant storage proteins.
The European project FLAT BREAD MINE: Flat Bread of Mediterranean area; INnovation & Emerging process & technology is a European project funded under the PRIMA Call SECTION 1 (IA) Valorising the health benefits of Traditional Mediterranean food products. It aims at re-exploring and optimising the potential of "flat breads" which are traditional in many countries around the Mediterranean.
The ANR EVAGRAIN project aims to develop smart tools for flexible wheat use. It is coordinated by the INRAE research unit BIA and brings together 10 academic and private partners.
The DeepProt ANR project aims to improve the characterization of proteins by decrypting the chemical modifications they carry, whether they are post-transductional modifications that modulate cellular functioning or modifications induced by food processes.
The objective of the project is to understand the role of the type of fatty acid and of monoglyceride (triglyceride digestion products) on the structure of the assemblies of bile-lipids and on their capacity to solubilize lipophilic micro-constituents, and how these lipophilic structures influence in vitro and in vivo absorption of these compounds.
A large number of plant cell wall degrading enzymes has already been identified, but the in-depth study of their mode of action is most often carried out on very diluted systems, far from the systems that enzymes encounter in plants. The implementation of enzymatic conversion processes in dense systems (≥15% w/w) makes it possible to evaluate the impact of the medium density on the specificity and the mode of action of the enzymes.
Nantes Excellence Trajectory
The BRANCH project aims to replace petroleum resources with renewable materials and improve the performance of cold bitumen emulsions. It was selected as part of the scientific priority "Future Industry - Advanced Manufacturing Technologies" of the Nantes Excellence Trajectory initiative's call for interdisciplinary research projects.
Nantes Excellence Trajectory
The SHELBY project was selected as part of the scientific priority Health of the Future - Innovative Biotherapies of the NeXT (Nantes Excellence Trajectory) initiative's call for interdisciplinary research projects. Its objective is to offer innovative therapeutics for osteoarthritis using a new generation of micromoulded hydrogel implants.
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Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 30 June 2017 | By: V Rampon