Kinetics of physical state changes accompanying chemical degradation of lignocellulosic biomass

Kinetics of physical state changes accompanying chemical degradation of lignocellulosic biomass

Overcoming the recalcitrance of biomass to enzymatic deconstruction is a key issue for biorefinery development. The factors involved in the phenomenon of recalcitrance are still under debate. Taking into account the heterogeneity of the biomass by looking at the changes in the physical state that accompany saccharification, could shed new light on the breakdown process.

The degradation process of lignocellulosic biomass is complex. Progress in our understanding of the limiting factors implies to better take into account the heterogeneity of the biomass and to focus on the dynamic aspect of the degradation. We propose to follow the chemical degradation and the evolution of the physical state of the biomass during saccharification in a toric reactor. The heterogeneity of the biomass is studied thanks to fractions of different sizes and electrostatic properties obtained by a dry fractionation of maize straw.
barron et al

Schéma de fractionnement et suivi dynamique de la dégradation enzymatique des fractions de pailles de maïs dans le réacteur torique. De gauche à droite : schéma de fractionnement de la paille de maïs, réacteur torique, évolution de l’état physique des particules (ligne continue : taille moyenne relative des particules, et lignes pointillées : nombre relatif de particules) en fonction du pourcentage relatif d’oses libérés pour les deux fractions de particules de taille moyenne.

See also

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 26 December 2022 | By: MW