PRP team awarded at ITA'innov

PRP team awarded at ITA'innov

The project "Des cidres & des couleurs", in which the PRP team participated, was awarded in the category "research & methodology" at the ITA'innov competition organized by ACTA. It contributed to identify and discover new phenolic compounds responsible for the different colours of ciders for a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the colour formation and the stability of pigments.

This project was carried in a constructive collaboration between the IFPC (French Institute For Cider Technology) and the BIA unit (PRP team) within the framework of UMT Nova2cidre and other ther research groups namelythe University of Rennes I and ESA (Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers). The project received financial supports from Regions Bretagne and Pays de Loire regions and UNICID.

The project aimed to develop juice and cider production methods and to design various tools usefull for companies to control the color of their products, excluding the use of dyes and optimizing inputs. A varietal selection approach has been initiated and a variety of interest for Rosé ciders has already been identified and protected. Finally, consumer studies have helped to better understand the perception of the color of ciders and to identify different types of cider.

See also

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 10 August 2017 | By: V Rampon